Georgian Fashion

Ruth Elizabeth Stiff
4 min readJul 5, 2022

The Fashion World

The Georgian Era had one of the most beautiful “fashions” of any Era, but it was also a very ‘impractical’ fashion. For the rich, upper-classes, the materials were lavish and the colours were ‘rich’, but women could only (just about) sit down in these exquisite dresses. This Century was known for its “Opulence”, with elaborate wigs, rich embroidery and (very) full skirts. The rich showed off their wealth through their clothes, and this applied to men as much as it did to women. The working-classes wore similar clothes, but they were not so rich in colour or material, and they owned fewer clothes, wearing more ‘practical’ clothes for working in.

Luckily for us today, there are many examples of the 18th Century or Georgian fashions, the Victoria and Albert Museum holding one of the best collections in the world. Think of the drama “Bridgerton” or the film “The Duchess” and you will see some of the really exquisite examples of this fashion period.

The Georgian Era covers the period from 1714 to 1830, and it is extended to include William IV, who died in 1837. The Georgian “style” was influenced by Classicism, with light colours, embroidery and nearly translucent fabrics. Yards of ruffles and ropes of jewels were the epitome of beautification.



Ruth Elizabeth Stiff
Ruth Elizabeth Stiff

Written by Ruth Elizabeth Stiff

really enjoy reading and writing articles on wildlife and history, am also 'dabbling' in fiction